I help women safely reconnect with God. I know what it is like to have so many questions about the Christian faith. If you are like me, you may have some religious baggage that left you questioning your self-worth in a big way. You’re asking... How do I raise my kids with faith when I’m still trying to figure it out? Where can I find a community I can trust? Why does every church feel like culture shock? Will I ever know Jesus? Is Faith something meant for other people? It’s just so overwhelming. And the world keeps telling you you are enough- all on your own, you are enough. …but you don’t feel like it. In fact, you question your self-worth at every opportunity. Friend, I have been there! And here is a secret- without God, you will never be enough. And that is an amazing thing. Keep reading… I’m Shelby Hohsfield. At times, I was an ex-Mormon, agnostic, a Sunday Christian, want-to-be Buddhist, and a New Age follower, but God had very different plans for me. The whole time I was living in one very big lie- that I was in charge of my own enoughness and my works would save me and my life. Don’t get me wrong, I am all about self-help and personal development, but as a born-again, fully transformed Christian, I learned there is the world’s way, and there is God’s way. It took me 20 years after leaving the Mormon church to finally meet God, and when I did, I would never be the same. To quote CS Lewis, ”The more we get ourselves out of the way and let Him take us over, the more truly ourselves we become.” Mere Christianity. You are enough not because of what you have done but because of what He has done, and He lives through you. In this podcast, we are going to dive into Bible truths explained just for Exmos and New Believer mamas so you never have to feel overwhelmed or question your compass or self-worth again. We talk about social pressures, family struggles, basic Christian beliefs, and God’s amazing grace for you. This is the place for theology, apologetics, and wisdom from His word that will shape your life, your confidence, and yes, your feeling of enough. Be prepared for Self-help done in God’s amazing way. Friend, you are in the right place! xoxo, Shelby ___________________________________________________________________ ABOUT YOUR HOST Finding Faith Above is hosted by Shelby Hohsfield. Shelby grew up in a mixed-faith home and attended the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon or LDS) church until she was 18. As most people do when they leave the church, 85% actually, Shelby left God altogether when she left the LDS church. It wasn’t until she was pregnant with her son that God was made evident to her. From there sparked a quest to FIND FAITH, a fleeting idea that challenged her at every step. After trying all matters of religion for years, she was struck one night when some big things literally brought her to her knees- When things got super hard, it was the surrender to the one true God that changed everything about Shelby’s life, belief, and understanding of this universe we live in. After a 20-year journey after leaving the church, she finally found faith above. As Jesus asked us to do, Shelby now dedicates herself to the great commission- telling the world the good news of Jesus. ___________________________________________________________________ CONNECT WITH ME Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/ FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/ _____________________________________________________________

Monday Nov 06, 2023
122. Who is Jesus, Really?? 10 Things We Should Know About Christ
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Mentorship for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above
When people are starting to question faith in any capacity, but more so with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I never suggest just looking into the church. Trying to prove the falsehood or truth of the church can lead to some weird and very emotional places.
Instead, I say, go on a Jesus Journey. We need to get to know Him above all else.
- He is the Word
- He is With God
- He is God
- He was in the beginning
- He is the creator of all things- Nothing was made that was made
- He is the Light of Men
- Fulfiller of prophecy
- Giver of light and life
- The one to make us children of God
- Glory and the Giver of Grace
Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study
Contact me, and let's hear your journey!
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
121. Why Do My Prayers Not Get Answered?
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Mentorship for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above
Has prayer become a ritual? Is it something we do and say the things we need to say and go through the motions?
But let me ask- are you talking to God? Really talking to Him?
Today, we are asking the question, Why sometimes does it feel like my prayers are not being answered?
- We have to ask…
- Do we have faith that He will work?
- Are we asking for worldly gain or God’s Kingdom?
- Are we asking with forgiveness and love in our hearts?
- Are we giving God the Glory?
Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study
Contact me, and let's hear your journey!
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/

Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Mentorship for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above
How many of you are currently in a storm? How many of you feel like you are in a thing or are dealing with some life stuff right now?
How about anxiety or something similar?
How many of you feel like you have tried so much but feel like you have gotten nowhere?
I was asked recently, after encouraging someone to lean on God, “What if it doesn’t work?”
So today, we are going to unpack this-
What if Jesus Doesn’t Work for Me? 3 Things You Need to Know About God's Grace
- Coming to Christ Doesn’t Mean All is Fixed. The storm will continue.
- Jesus is the peace in that storm
- Our God is a God of miracles- ask for His peace, and He is there
Contact me, and let's hear your journey!
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/

Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Last week, we talked about the four types of Exmo-Christian journeys. None are easy. None leave us without scars. One of these journeys is probably right where you are, and today we're talking about the 4th journey.
Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Mentorship for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above
Did you Go Straight to Christianity After Leaving the Church? Girl #4, this is for you-
What are the top 3 things that I want you to know…
- The Bible is totally trustworthy- you will loooove it because when you read it, you will know God
- There are different types of Christians- and we love each other
- Theology is Amazing and you should ask all the questions
Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study
Get your book for the study, Seamless
Contact me and let's hear your journey!
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/

Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Was your journey out of the Mormon church like everyone else's?
Have you felt alone or like your faith differs from all other Exmo's?
Today, I break down what I have seen are the four types of transition journies out of the church, and what I would recommend for you to help you find and build your faith.
I want to hear from you! Come join us in the group, and let's talk more about your journey.
Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study
Get your book for the study, Seamless
Contact me and let's hear your journey!
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/

Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
You want to know God, who He is, and what He wants you to be.
We are inundated from the world with all these ideas of The Universe, spirituality, and energy, and we think we KNOW God from the way we feel.
But what if there is a way to actually know the true nature of God, to know about Him, and Know Him? What if we can actually learn who He is and all His attributes?
Today, we are looking at the number one place to find Him.
Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study
Get your book for the study, Seamless
Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
116. Is God a Loving God? How is God Different From Us-
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
We are starting a new series- a new series on how God is NOT like us. Ways in which He is divine, His nature, His wrath, and His love.
How does our character reflect His? And do our limitations glorify His greatness and limitless power.
Today we are talking about the steadfast love of God.
We are loosely basing this off of Jen Wilkin's book, None Like Him.
Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/

Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Today, dear friend, if you are in the LDS church and questioning things, I invite you to listen, take it in, and then maybe go create a list of your own.
So she made a list, and I just love this-
- Things I believe
- Things I want to be true
- Things I am questioning
- Things I would miss
- Things I am unsure about
We are talking to Jenni today. She was raised in the LDS church and very much lived it until she started asking questions, digging into history, and coming up short with finding Christ there.
Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study
Get your book for the study, Seamless
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Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
114. Looking to Know Truth? How to Discern the Truth and the Glory of God
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study
Get your book for the study, Seamless
The enemy is all around us, and the world is fighting to take us down at every step. How do we be discerning about what is true, acceptable and perfect to God? To our faith? For our life and our salvation?
Today we are talking through 5 ways we can discern the truth and the glory of God.
Leave me a Message Here!!
Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study
Get your book for the study, Seamless
You were asked to go to a Bible study. Heck, you are not even sure what happens at these things, but something inside you said go.
You are nervous, worried, and unsure of what to expect.
Today, we will talk about 5 Things to Know Before You Go to a Bible study so you can show up with all the confidence.
Leave me a Message Here!!
Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/