I help women safely reconnect with God. I know what it is like to have so many questions about the Christian faith. If you are like me, you may have some religious baggage that left you questioning your self-worth in a big way. You’re asking... How do I raise my kids with faith when I’m still trying to figure it out? Where can I find a community I can trust? Why does every church feel like culture shock? Will I ever know Jesus? Is Faith something meant for other people? It’s just so overwhelming. And the world keeps telling you you are enough- all on your own, you are enough. …but you don’t feel like it. In fact, you question your self-worth at every opportunity. Friend, I have been there! And here is a secret- without God, you will never be enough. And that is an amazing thing. Keep reading… I’m Shelby Hohsfield. At times, I was an ex-Mormon, agnostic, a Sunday Christian, want-to-be Buddhist, and a New Age follower, but God had very different plans for me. The whole time I was living in one very big lie- that I was in charge of my own enoughness and my works would save me and my life. Don’t get me wrong, I am all about self-help and personal development, but as a born-again, fully transformed Christian, I learned there is the world’s way, and there is God’s way. It took me 20 years after leaving the Mormon church to finally meet God, and when I did, I would never be the same. To quote CS Lewis, ”The more we get ourselves out of the way and let Him take us over, the more truly ourselves we become.” Mere Christianity. You are enough not because of what you have done but because of what He has done, and He lives through you. In this podcast, we are going to dive into Bible truths explained just for Exmos and New Believer mamas so you never have to feel overwhelmed or question your compass or self-worth again. We talk about social pressures, family struggles, basic Christian beliefs, and God’s amazing grace for you. This is the place for theology, apologetics, and wisdom from His word that will shape your life, your confidence, and yes, your feeling of enough. Be prepared for Self-help done in God’s amazing way. Friend, you are in the right place! xoxo, Shelby ___________________________________________________________________ ABOUT YOUR HOST Finding Faith Above is hosted by Shelby Hohsfield. Shelby grew up in a mixed-faith home and attended the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon or LDS) church until she was 18. As most people do when they leave the church, 85% actually, Shelby left God altogether when she left the LDS church. It wasn’t until she was pregnant with her son that God was made evident to her. From there sparked a quest to FIND FAITH, a fleeting idea that challenged her at every step. After trying all matters of religion for years, she was struck one night when some big things literally brought her to her knees- When things got super hard, it was the surrender to the one true God that changed everything about Shelby’s life, belief, and understanding of this universe we live in. After a 20-year journey after leaving the church, she finally found faith above. As Jesus asked us to do, Shelby now dedicates herself to the great commission- telling the world the good news of Jesus. ___________________________________________________________________ CONNECT WITH ME Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/ FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/ _____________________________________________________________
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Join me for a free Discovery Call- Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women. https://findingfaithabove.com/
Okay- we left. There are no more rules. We should feel free, right?
But now we are stuck in the very interesting position of questioning how to navigate every choice we make.
It affects every aspect of our lives, and we are no strangers to guilt, so How do we know what we should do without all the rules?
This is often the number one struggle you ladies come to me with- so here we go-
How Not to Blow Your Next Decision- 3 Steps to Navigate Choices After the Church
Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Join me for a free Discovery Call- Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women
One of the most complex and emotional aspects of leaving the church for so many is shedding this idea that our worth with God is tied to this endless checklist of things we are supposed to go to the highest level of heaven.
In today’s episode, we are talking to Pastor Mark Parsons from the Truth in Love Ministry
about the gospel (the real gospel from the bible), God’s grace, and the Good Good News.
Learn more about the Jesus is Enough Initiative at https://tilm.org/jie/
Find out more about our guest, Mark Parsons, at https://tilm.org/about-us/#our-team
Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Coaching for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
100. 100 Episode Celebration and 3 Ways to Find Faith Above!
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Start your life coaching journey now and move past that leftover religious baggage for good!
It is our 100th episode of Finding Faith Above!!!
Holy smokes!
Today, we are having a party over here at Finding Faith Above and talking about what faith actually is.
Here are 3 Ways to Find Faith Above and Hear God.
Your Next Steps:
Start your life coaching journey now and move past that leftover religious baggage for good!
>>Get the Resources! Apps, Bible Studies, Videos, and more HERE!
>>Join the Community. We learn together!
>>Leave me a Speak Pipe Message and More at the Website
>>Learn to Podcast and Share your Story
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
It is a word we of heard a million times.
If you are like me, it is not a word that makes me feel very good.
To me, it often meant rules, plans, perfection, the whole enchilada that I really didn’t get.
But what If I was to tell you that the Gospel is the good news, the only good news, and nothing but good news?
Today, we are talking about what the gospel is according to the bible and all the good news that comes with it.
Other episodes we mention here:
- 69. What Translation of the Bible Should I Use? 3 Steps to Finding the Perfect Translation for YOU. //Basic Christian Beliefs Every Exmo and New Believer Needs to Know.
Your Next Steps:
Start your life coaching journey now and move past that leftover religious baggage for good!
>>Get the Resources! Apps, Bible Studies, Videos, and more HERE!
>>Join the Community. We learn together!
>>Leave me a Speak Pipe Message and More at the Website
>>Learn to Podcast and Share your Story
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
I always love hearing the excitement in the voice of a new believer.
That awe of realizing who God is after not knowing Him.
Along with being a new believer comes a lot of questions, including whether I should I be rebaptized, what the significance is, and can I do this alone.
Today's episode is all about Chassady’s journey and the amazing things God does when you let Him into your heart.
What does it mean to have a believer's baptism, and is it something you should do?
Other episodes we mention here:
- 36. Was Pre-existence Real? Is God an Exalted Man? The Beautiful Words of John 1:1
- 65. Can I Trust the Bible? Here are 8 Reasons Why. //Basic Christian Beliefs Every Exmo and New Believer Needs to Know.
- 2. Is the Bible Real? Can I Trust it? The Number One Thing You Can Do to Know Jesus Today.
Your Next Steps:
Start your life coaching journey now and move past that leftover religious baggage for good!
>>Get the Resources! Apps, Bible Studies, Videos, and more HERE!
>>Join the Community. We learn together!
>>Leave me a Speak Pipe Message and More at the Website
>>Learn to Podcast and Share your Story
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
97. What is a Believer’s Baptism?// Christian Beliefs and Bible Study
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Start your life coaching journey now and move past that leftover religious baggage for good!
The biggest decision you will ever make.
Or is it?
If you were baptized before, this can feel super emotional and a bit confusing.
What does it mean to have a believer's baptism, and is it something you should do?
Your Next Steps:
Start your life coaching journey now and move past that leftover religious baggage for good!
>>Get the Resources! Apps, Bible Studies, Videos, and more HERE!
>>Join the Community. We learn together!
>>Leave me a Speak Pipe Message and More at the Website
>>Learn to Podcast and Share your Story
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Get the Resources! Apps, Bible Studies, Videos, and more HERE!
We pray.
We ask God.
We thank Him for our blessings.
We say we are building a relationship, but prayer after prayer, we forget one very important thing...
What is it that we so often forget when we pray?
How to Praise God in our Prayers
Your Next Steps:
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>>Join the Community. We learn together!
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Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Get the Resources! Apps, Bible Studies, Videos, and more HERE!
The weight of the world can feel very heavy!
We can’t listen to the news without feeling like the world is at a total loss for peace.
From wars, to social upevil, human trafficking, drugs, whole cities going under.
As someone desperately looking for the good in all things and wanting a safe, happy place for our children to grow up, things can feel a bit grim.
Isn’t God supposed to give us a world of peace? If we pray isn’t everything supposed to get better?
Here are 3 Things God Says About the World in His Word.
Your Next Steps:
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>>Join the Community. We learn together!
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Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Get the Resources! Apps, Bible Studies, Videos, and more HERE!
One of the most confusing things about coming to Christ after leaving the Mormon church has to do with the same terminology meaning very different things. Even what it means to be a Christain gets a whole new take.
In this rapid-fire, 7-part series
In today’s episode, we are looking at:
3 Words to Think of When you Hear the Word Testimony AND My Testimony, My Jesus Journey, My Come to Jesus Moment
Your Next Steps:
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>>Join the Community. We learn together!
>>Leave me a Speak Pipe Message and More at the Website
>>Learn to Podcast and Share your Story
Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Get the Resources! Apps, Bible Studies, Videos, and more HERE!
One of the most confusing things about coming to Christ after leaving the Mormon church has to do with the same terminology meaning very different things. Even what it means to be a Christain gets a whole new take.
In this rapid-fire, 7-part series, we are exploring the term testimony. These are short episodes over 7 days where we explore what a testimony is in both faiths, the 5 points of a testimony in the LDS church, what those 5 points mean biblically to Christians, and finally, my testimony as a born-again Christain.
In today’s episode, we are looking at the 5th finger of the 5 essential parts of an LDS testimony glove.
What the Bible says about who leads the church? Is the Church is led by a living prophet?
Your Next Steps:
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Connect with me:
Email> hello@findingfaithabove.com
Website> https://findingfaithabove.com/
FB Group> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenafterreligion
Instagram> https://www.instagram.com/findingfaithabove/
Learn to Podcast and Share your Story>https://faithabovewebsites.com/